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       "The Number 1 Name for Statistical Analysis in Sports"

Bill Sanders

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Bud Goode Press Features

A partial list of press articles featuring Bud Goode:

(files are PDF format and require Adobe Acrobat Reader)

  1. SportingNewsCoachDickVermeil.pdf
  2. SNewsCoverCoachDickVermeil-06-21-04.pdf
  3. Sports Illustrated Cover.01.14.74.pdf
  4. Sports Illustrated Biog.01.14.74.pdf
  5. american statistical asso.pdf
  6. amstat news june 1993.pdf
  7. ASA_Fritz Schueren_Msg.pdf
  8. Computer Corner_Syndicated Column_37 Metro Papers-03.67.pdf
  9. going back to pass.pdf
  10. goode univac.pdf
  11. jan 1980 phily inq.pdf
  12. LA Times-Profile-Sam Farmer 10.13.02.pdf
  13. leisure and arts jan 2004.pdf
  14. New Times_Stat Graphics Sep1991.pdf
  15. New York Times-Bill Wallace.pdf
  16. New York Times-Super Bowl-01.20.86.pdf
  17. New York Times_Sports Monday_6 Graphics.01.09.08.pdf
  18. page 3.pdf
  19. phily inq..jan 1979.pdf
  20. Sports Illustrated Cover_Goode plug-09.4.78.pdf
  21. Sports Illustrated Cover_Graphic.10.07.96.pdf
  22. sports mo..jan 1978.pdf
  23. statis.. 70 year old.pdf
  24. Statistics Text.pdf
  25. Statistics Text2.pdf
  26. steelers.pdf
  27. technlogy.pdf
  28. the herald.pdf