- WAS is the league leader with 0.20 Yds/Pass Att Differential.
- BAL at 0.14 Yds/Pass Att Differential is 0.2 points per game behind the leader.
- S F at 0.11 Yds/Pass Att Differential 0.4 points per game behind the leader.
At the end of the season the strongest team
will earn 2 to 2.5 yards per pass more on offense
than their defense allows. Any team near +3 yards
per toss will earn a Super Bowl invite.
The cellar-dwellers allow 2 to 2.5 yards per pass
more than their offense earns.
Average teams earn as many yards as they allow (a zero yards
per pass differential near 0.0) They will
finish the season with a Won/Lost record near 8-8.
Related Links:
Killer Stat Offense
Killer Stat Defense