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Panthers vs Patriots

The Super Bowl bound Carolina Panthers improved their scoring differential (winning margin) by 4 points per game this season. The question is, which stats contributed most?

The chart below pictures the improvement in total rushing plays.

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The Panther's running game, led by RB Steven Davis added 4.8 points per game to the margin of victory. So Davis accounted for all and then some of the Panther's improvement.

The Patriots' vaunted D will have to stop RB Davis. The Pats did an outstanding job against the Colts Edgerin James. Allowing only 25 rushes (an advantage of almost 8 points contributed to the win by this one stat) they performed at championship level. (see Pats/Colts AFC Championship PostGame Analysis).

How will the Pat's defense do against Carolina's ace RB Steven Davis? If the two teams play to statistical form, the Panthers have a small (less than one pont) advantage on this one stat.

Bud Goode and Bill Sanders

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