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Eagles vs Patriots

Total Rushing Plays

The six independent stats selected for our Matchups almost entirely "explain" the stat reasons why teams win. The most important stat pictured below (Total Rushing Plays) shows the Pats have a significant 5.6 point advantage over the Eagles. It is likely to jump up and bite the Eagles on their tail feathers unless the Eagles modify their offense--like an occasional run by QB McNabb or give a heavy load to RB Brian Westbrook.

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As the dark blue TREND line shows the Pats' offense was stronger than average on all but 2 games this season. And Pats lost one of those below average games to the Steelers.

And the Eagles' D TREND line was stronger than average all year (note loss to Steelers). In fact, of the three Eagle losses all three opponents ran more than 30 times per game. The Steelers with their "Big Bus" Bettis ran 55 times. Ouch.

And note in the Pats' game, when they were on defense the "Bus" did his thing again with a Steeler ground attack of almost 50 running plays. There always appears to be a number of bodies lying around at the intersection of the "Bus" and his opponents.

The Pats have an edge on the running game. We'll take a closer look at the ground game and Pats' RB Dillon in our next feature: Plays per First Down.

Bud Goode

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